New Joiners Information
If your child is about to start with us, there are some things to do straight away.
When your child first comes to Beavers, Cubs or Scouts it is understood that the first few weeks are about getting to know everyone and finding out what Scouts is all about. You do not need to immediately buy a uniform, and there are no subs to pay initially – this all comes later when your child is officially invested.
Online Scout Manager (OSM) is a website and app which allows parents and leaders to easily manage all the administration that comes with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. You will be sent a joining link, and it is very important that you sign up and enter all the personal details required for you and your child. We would also urge you to sign up for gift aid using OSM.
Please ask to join our Facebook group for regular updates on what the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are getting up to, alongside information on our fundraising and social events.
When it becomes time to buy uniform, you can use the local Harpenden shops Beats and Stevensons. You can also buy from John Lewis, and online from the official Scouts shop.