To join the 3rd Harpenden Scout Group, you must add your child to our Beavers waiting list.
Just before the start of each new school term, our standard procedure is to offer a Beavers place to the four children at the top of our waiting list. We only offer places to children who have turned 6 in the term before they start. We are a very popular Scout Group and therefore it is not always possible to offer places to everyone. Any child who misses out on a place will be transferred to a separate District Beavers waiting list, and offered the next available place at one of the many other Scout Groups in the Harpenden & Wheathampstead District.
These four Beaver places are made available because four Beavers will be moving up to Cubs, four Cubs will be moving up to Scouts, and four Scouts will be moving on to Explorers. For this reason there is no formal 3rd Harpenden waiting list for Cubs and Scouts as the places are filled by those coming up from the section below. Of course occasionally one of our young people will transfer to a different local group or decide to leave Scouting altogether – leaving a place available. A young person wanting to join Cubs or Scouts directly can be added to the District waiting list for Cubs and Scouts, which will offer them the first available place at one of the local Scout groups.
Please note when filling in the form below that children of parents/carers who are willing to volunteer and help out will always be offered a place above those who are not.