

Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who:

  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Have fun and go on adventures
  • Make friends
  • Are curious about the world around them
  • Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

Every week, they gather in groups called Cub Packs to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

Our Cub Pack is led by a team of Cub Scout Leaders and assistant leaders. There is sometimes additional support from Explorer Scouts (14 ½ to 18) who are doing the Duke of Edinburgh young leader’s scheme, or the Scouting Young Leaders scheme.

Cubs enter from Beavers or the big outside world in the term after they are 8 years old. They stay in Cubs until the term after they are 10 1/2.

The Pack has between 24 and 30 Cubs, and they are split into Sixes – based on colours, which is reflected in their ‘woggle’. Each ‘six’ has a Sixer (in charge), and a Seconder (their assistant). The Pack meets weekly on a Wednesday evening at the 3rd Scout HQ, and evenings start at 6:45pm, and ends at 8:00pm.

In addition to the weekly meetings, the Pack also undertakes other events throughout the year, e.g. trips to places of interest, or shared events with other packs in the District.

Within the Pack, we broadly follow the Scout Association’s programme for the Cub Section. The programme consists of a range of activities, which we aim to cover when planning it using a variety of methods. In addition there are a very large number of badges and awards which Cubs can gain.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III